RMF141 ESG Course Outline.pdfRMF141 ESG Course Outline.pdf


ESG became one of the most popular acronyms which entails Environment, Society and Governance (Corporate Governance). The aim of the course is to present what is behind this acronym with more detail. It is also accompanied by major pieces of EU legislation which has evolved over the years, e.g. SFRD, CSRD, CS3D and others. The topic will be accompanied by recent legislative initiatives on EU financial sector such as introduction of green bonds standard as well as the amendment of CRD IV.

RTL102 Intellectual Property Law  Technology Course Outline.pdfRTL102 Intellectual Property Law Technology Course Outline.pdf


This case-based course comparatively and critically examines intellectual property and its interoperability with technological advances from the perspectives of regulation, practice and academic scholarship.