CREDITS 3 ECTS - 32 Contact Hours
This course provides an introduction into research in social sciences in general, and legal research in particular. Students will become familiar with the main approaches to legal research and the main methodological issues. The course introduces the key elements of writing legal research papers, and it prepares students for writing them.
Please note: passing this course is a mandatory precondition to be admitted to writing a Y1 Research Paper.
- Teacher: Inga Jēkabsone
- Teacher: Laura Ratniece
- Teacher: Arta Snipe
CREDITS 3 ECTS - 32 Contact Hours
This is a course of interdisciplinary research, which methodology basis on the specificity of the Law and Diplomacy Programme. The methodology is composed of the elements affecting the broadest possible picture of legal and political relations among several societies. It focuses on conceptualizing and executing both doctrinal and empirical legal and political research projects. The course will examine the understanding of broad socio-legal and socio-political realities, the students' interdisciplinary research design abilities, will equip them both in the theoretical and methodological toolbox. It will guide students through the research design process (e.g. starting from the choice of topic, formulation of a research question, research conduction and ending with writing a conclusion). The final course result will be equipping them in the skills, which creates the possibility for the Law and Diplomacy programme's interdisciplinary research conduction. The theoretical concepts represent both approaches to law and politics typical for these two branches of academia. In other words, Law and Diplomacy programme students will achieve an ability to analyse the law from different perspectives (i.e. as an independent and dependable variable).- Teacher: Filip Cyunczyk
CREDITS 3 ECTS - 32 Contact Hours
The relationship between law and economics has been questioned since at least the 19th century, and, even nowadays, the two disciplines are considered as rather separated in traditional law or economics curricula. However, and that is probably one of the great achievements of the law and economics movement, the relationship between the two disciplines is extremely fertile. Even better, this approach makes it possible to question traditional legal approaches, concepts or doctrines and thus promotes a more intimate knowledge of the law.- Teacher: Régis Marc Olivier Lanneau
- Teacher: Laura Ratniece
- Teacher: Laura Ratniece
- Teacher: Inga Jēkabsone
- Teacher: Laura Ratniece
- Teacher: Inga Jēkabsone
- Teacher: Laura Ratniece